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Mascara Wands - Silicone

Quantity of Packs

Brushing out your amazing lash work is the BEST part of the process… you deserve to do it in style! Our Silicone Lash Brushes are the perfect balance of grip and slip! Super soft bristles help you brush down to the base of the lashes while being super gentle on the lids. They are ultra-durable too! Simply wash and let air dry for the perfect, reusable lash brush for your clients.

50 pieces per pack.

We don’t call our brushes and wands disposable… since they are compostable!

  • Applicator handles are made from wheat straw- a plant-based sustainable alternative to plastic.
  • Handles biodegrade in 3-6 months in an at-home compost or in as little as 1-2 months at a compost facility.
    • Pop off the applicator head before composting.
  • Minimize waste by reusing these wands. Simply wash and let air dry.

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