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25 May 2022
It’s easy to be overwhelmed with all those different products that go into creating a gorgeous lash set… so what do you REALLY need? Lash nerds, we’re here with a full breakdown of everything you could possibly need in your lash extension kit. Good quality products backed by science is what we’re all about over at UA, and we’re sure you’ll understand why shortly… After reading this blog, we’re totally sure that you’ll be itching to create your very own lash extension kit.
Let’s start with what students need to prep the lashes for application…
Retention is the top priority on any lash artist’s mind, so proper prep care is of utmost importance in every lash extension kit. We love Prolong Lash Cleanser because students can use it to prep for their set and ensure squeaky clean lashes.
You’re going to need a lash fan to dry off those freshly cleansed lashes, but that’s not the only reason it's a must in a lash extension kit. Having your client wake up with stinging red eyes? OUCH, no thank you. Using a lash fan to blow away any lingering adhesive fumes at the end of the application is super important. This way, when the client opens their eyes, there won’t be any additional irritation that could make both the client and artist freak out.
Look for a medical grade tape that will be safe to use on the eyes. Our fav is Grip Tape because it’s silicon, has the perfect amount of stickiness, and is totally multi-purpose. It’s the best choice for any beginner because it’s sticky enough to hold down bottom lashes or expose inner corners, while still being gentle on the eyes.
The Undies come in 2 different sizes and even have pre-cut slits. It’s SO frustrating as a beginner when you have a new client and just can’t get those eye patches to fit right. Utilizing the slits and different Undies shapes ensures that this will never be an issue that beginner lash nerds have to face again. Yup… We got you.
We’ll definitely need a good adhesive too…
Adhesive is a BIG must in your lash extension kit. A slower drying adhesive is extremely important because it will give students enough time to really focus on every aspect of the application. With an adhesive that’s too fast, it might cure before you can properly attach, leading to every lash artist’s nightmare: bad retention. It can be so overwhelming for students to think about picking up a lash, then dipping the right amount, placing it straight and achieving seamless attachment all at once… So let’s not rush it! Opt for an adhesive like Hold Up with a 2-3 second dry time.
Every lash artist knows that our adhesive is a fan favourite for many. So naturally, we have to give it a lil TLC! Say goodbye to clogged nozzles and include adhesive wipes in your lash extension kit! Utilizing these lint free wipes ensures that any beginner can keep their nozzle clean with ease.
As a beginner, you might run into some moments that you weren’t expecting. So we say, Undo it! For any sticky situations, you’ll want to have an A+ quality remover in your lash extension kit. Have a sticky that is a little too stubborn to be removed with tweezers? Spot remove it with Undo! Accidentally get adhesive on your nail? Undo has got your back. A new client comes in with lashes already? Get a full removal going with ease! Undo works in only 3-5 minutes and has the perfect consistency that isn’t too runny so it’s super beginner friendly.
Now onto your application MUST haves…
We LOVE including both a straight and angled isolator in our lash extension kit for a few reasons. First being, comfort. Students might struggle on one and instantly gravitate to the other. Having this option can help students pick up isolation WAY easier. This is because straight tweezers require the wrist to be more angled to achieve clean isolation whereas the wrist can stay a little more relaxed with curved isolators. In addition, we find it beneficial to use straight tweezers in the inner and outer corners to make it easier to isolate those hard-to-reach lashes. For straight tweezers, opt to include the M.O. or the O.G. in your lash extension kit. As for our angled friends, try the B.F.F. (long) or the B.F.F. (short). With this combo, you’ll never have to worry about struggling to isolate any lash.
A tweezer with great grip is so important, especially when learning. We want our tweezers to be working with us, not against us. This is why all Untamed Artistry tweezers are hand-tested - that includes isolators, classic pick-up and volume tweezers. For your beginner lash extension kit, you definitely need Pick Me Up. It has a strong grip and J-shape, along with a wide sweet spot to pick up and apply classic lashes with ease.
Students should be looking for lashes that are dark, consistent, and easy to use! For a classic lash extension kit, we recommend including a 0.15 lash tray and 0.12 lash tray. We love using 0.12s on those weaker lashes to get the most possible coverage on a set. Beginner lash nerds, this hack will up the fullness of your sets. C and CCs curls are our favs to start off, a mixed tray of each would have any student totally ready to pick up those tweezers and start some beautiful classic sets. These two curls are very well-suited for most clients so by including these, students can begin to get acquainted with applying them.
Want to level-up your lash extension kit? Check these out.
Stickies are definitely a fear of any beginner lash artist, which is why we think a good lash mirror is the perf addition to your lash extension kit. It can be used to check for stickies on the eye patch, making sure your taping is never on the waterline. It even gives you the ability to check out how your set is going to look from a more open eye perspective. Gone are the days we think our set looks ah-mah-zing until the client opens their eyes and OOPS, suddenly we’ve found a wonky lash. With a lash mirror, you’ll know so any wonky lashes can be fixed before the final lash reveal.
We can’t argue with chemists when they say our adhesive stickers are the BEST surface to place adhesive on. When focusing so intently on application, the last thing you want as a beginner is to stress about your adhesive dot curing way too fast. The surface of these stickers will keep your adhesive as fresh as possible, for as long as possible, making them a must try for any lash extension kit. Did you know that placing adhesive on micropore tape actually makes it cure faster due to the tape’s fibres? No thank you! We like fresh adhesive over here…
Spoolies, micro swabs and lip applicators are disposables that lash artists can use in every single set. Spoolies are necessary in your lash extension kit to brush through the lashes during the application and beginners can really benefit from using one to constantly check their work. Lip applicators or micro swabs will also be your weapon of choice to execute a full removal or spot removal.
We told you, lash nerd! Aren’t you so excited to build your lash extension kit now? We can’t wait to see what you come up with so make sure to tag us on the gram @Untamed.Artistry with your student hauls! We hope you’re obsessed with this blog and we’ll see you back for the next one… For now, catch us over on our other socials where you’ll find an endless supply of lash hacks! Find us here:
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